What's Happening at the Moment?

Bruce Smith

I’ve been relatively quiet on the writing front, not in small part, due to everything happening around us over the past two years. I have about three books on the go; hopefully, the first of these is not far off.
All three are about specific computer languages, and one is a complete rewrite of a book I originally wrote for BBC Books.
In addition, I am currently evaluating installing a ‘store’ here on the website where you can purchase books directly. The plan is to discount items like eBooks and provide more free publications. Hopefully, this will be up and operating before Christmas. Books make great gifts!

Bruce Smith

A Russian Company (Yes, I know, but this was before the invasion of Ukraine) purchased the ‘Russian Russki yazyk’ language rights for RPi OS Assembly Language. So that has been an experience. At least I received the full payment from them crazily in US$. Go figure. It’s a weird experience to look at and compare the English to Russian editions.
That’s my fifth language rights deal with others being Spanish, Italian, Norwegian and Estonian. Thankfully the process only involves supplying the original text, illustrations and book cover artwork.

Bruce Smith

Recently (Oct22), we visited the Parkes Radio Telescope Dish in...well, Parkes, NSW. If you haven’t seen the movie ‘The Dish’ you should.
Essentially the first steps on the moon by Neil Armstrong in 1969 were received and sent around the globe for broadcast from here. The broadcast nearly didn’t happen, and it was a by-the-seat-of-your-pants job getting ready in time. The Goldstone receiver was expecting to receive and broadcast the historic images. Still, Armstrong and Aldrin were anxious to get onto the surface immediately, and Parkes was the only radio telescope facing the moon at the time.

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